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Acupuncture for labor induction

So you are approaching the end of your pregnancy and you and your doctor are ready for baby to come....but baby has other plans.  It's so warm and cozy in there!

What can you do?

First off, there are a few reasons why your labor may not be progressing.

  • If the baby's head is too large for the birth canal, (cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)), this will stall labor. If CPD is suspected before labor your doctor will assess the situation and often times regular (vaginal) delivery is still considered safe.

  • Position of the baby is another predictor.  It is optimal for the baby to be positioned head down facing your back.  (the back of baby's head should be toward the front of your abdomen).  This position makes it easiest for baby to pass through the birth canal during labor. If it is detected that the baby is not positioned optimally your doctor will make suggestions on how changing your positions may help encourage the baby to change theirs.

  • Another cause for delayed labor is lack of strength of contractions.  If contractions are not strong enough or too far apart this will certainly not help things move along! If your cervix is dilating too slowly or ceases to dilate, your doctor or midwife will assess the strength of your contractions to determine if this is the cause.  Typical medical interventions will include rupturing the membrane (breaking the water) to speed up contractions and/or administering a drug called Pitocin.

ANTOHER option, before jumping to medications and procedures.... Acupuncture!

Barring any issues that would exclude safe vaginal birth, acupuncture for inducing labor is a great option! Acupuncture has been used for centuries in Asian countries to naturally and safely speed up the labor process. 

In a study conducted at the University of North Carolina, utilizing acupuncture for this purpose resulted in patients being more likely to go into labor without a medical "push."

Seventy percent of the women who got acupuncture went into labor on their own, compared to 50% who received standard care. The women who got acupuncture were also less likely to deliver by cesarean section -- 17% compared to the typical 39%.

Acupuncture for labor induction naturally “nudges” the process of labor along. There are varying levels of intensity of treatments that may be employed, depending on the urgency to promote labor. The process involves needling and stimulating acupuncture points that are largely avoided during pregnancy due to their potential to cause uterine contraction, intensely invigorating energy or descending qualities. As you might have guessed, these “forbidden” points are all fair game when induction is on the table. Electrical stimulation of points that influence uterine nerves to initiate contraction is another method that may be introduced. There are several natural methods that may help to jump start labor, and acupuncture is another drug free, safe and effective option that may be used alongside physical activity, evening primrose oil, teas, etc.

Dr. Tara Pierce is a board certified licensed acupuncturist practicing in Newport Beach. Dr. Pierce has treated many women during pregnancy and helped many promote natural labor induction through acupuncture treatment and chiropractic adjustments using the Webster technique.  Acupuncture is safe when performed by a licensed acupuncturist.

*Ask your doctor or midwife if you are a candidate for labor induction acupuncture treatment.


"A randomized controlled trial of acupuncture for initiation of labor in nulliparous women," The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, August 2006.
Terry Harper, MD, obstetrician and maternal fetal medicine specialist, Perinatal Associates of New Mexico.