You don't have to be a mythological Greek war hero to have a weakness.

If your first few steps every morning cause the kind of pain that reminds you that you are, indeed, a mere mortal, then you may be suffering from Plantar Fasciitis. 

Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury characterized by pain in the sole of the foot. This pain is typically most pronounced during your first few steps in the morning and walking after long periods of sitting. People with flat feet or extremely high arches may be more prone to this injury.

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common pathology affecting the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the fibrous connective tissue extending from the bottom of the heel through the base of the foot, supporting the arch.  When there is injury and inflammation to this tissue, there will be pain on the heel and/or the arch of the foot, usually worst in the morning while taking your first few steps out of bed. 

In active individuals this condition is often the result of overuse such as running, jumping, walking or long periods of standing.  For more sedentary individuals, plantar foot pain may be due to obesity.  If you are "flat footed" you may have greater chances of developing plantar fasciitis. 

Untreated, plantar fasciitis can become chronic and due to altered gait due to pain in the foot, you may begin to experience pain in the ankle, knee, hip or low back.

Dr. Pierce uses a variety of treatments to effectively address plantar foot pain and plantar fasciitis. In addition to treating the plantar fascia itself, it is vitally important to treat the muscles and tendons not only of the foot itself, but the soft tissue and joints of the lower leg and often the hamstrings. By isolating each contributing soft tissue structure involved, Dr. Pierce is able to effectively reduce pain and improve function. Dr. Pierce has been successfully treating patients with plantar fasciitis in her Newport Beach chiropractic and acupuncture office for more than 5 years. Some patients reported complete resolution of their heel and foot pain in as few as 3 visits.

In addition to hands on therapies, active care/exercise is an important part of recovery for anyone dealing with Plantar foot pain. it is important to strengthen the muscles of the foot that support the arch when you bear weight, as well as muscles in the calf that stabilize the ankle and foot. These specific rehabilitative exercises then help translate into more dynamic activities like running and sport being more comfortable, and eventually pain free!

Stop living with plantar fasciitis and dread your first steps each morning. Through myofascial release, instrument assisted soft tissue treatment with Graston technique, active myofascial release, joint mobilization, therapeutic exercise and physiotherapies, you will be on your road to recovery! Dr. Pierce is the one for the job! Heel and foot pain doesn't have to be something you just "live with". Make an appointment today!


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