3 Reasons prenatal chiropractic & acupuncture are game changers
Did you know Dr. Pierce has been a certified Webster Technique chiropractor since 2014? The Webster certification builds upon a chiropractors already vast knowledge of musculoskeletal conservative care specifically to prepare the provider with education and confidence treating pregnant people.
Should you see a chiropractor or acupuncturist while you’re pregnant? Here are 3 great reasons to:
Reason 1: Back pain
Between hormonal and biomechanical changes that occur during pregnancy, many women experience significant back pain and conditions like sciatica.
Reason 2: Morning sickness
Acupuncture and specifically placed ear seeds can help ease pregnancy induced nausea. Principles grounded in traditional Chinese medicine to modify diet can also help depending on your situation.
Reason 3: Insomnia
It can be difficult to get comfortable as pregnancy progresses. Chiropractic treatments that reduce lower back and hip pain help reduce discomfort. If pain isn't the problem, but not being able to stop your racing mind - acupuncture can be a game changer to get you snoozing like a baby before baby arrives and keeps you up!
Want to start enjoying your pregnancy experience a little more? Give acupuncture or chiropractic a try! Make an appointment!